MICRO MEMORY Industrial Partner

MM-5415CN - Micro Memroy MM-5415CN 64-bit/33MHz Battery Backed NVRAM PCI Memory Card...

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Micro Memroy MM-5415CN 64-bit/33MHz Battery Backed NVRAM PCI Memory Card | Up to 1GB Memory Configuration Simple Type: Expansion Memory Module

The MM-5415CN can be integrated into storage filers, servers and controllers that have an available PCI slot. Memory on the PCI bus is mapped into I/O space, which easily creates a separate and distinct memory partition for functions such as journaling and caching. The card has been specifically designed to provide dramatic improvements in applications that are I/O bound. In particular, applications that involve file journaling, sequential logging, or frequent disk I/O’s such as transaction processing, file serving, and data warehousing can benefit significantly by implementing solid state NVRAM on the PCI bus. The MM-5415CN is a half size PCI card with a 64-bit/33MHz PCI interface and 256MB to 1GB of NVRAM. Redundant, rechargeable lithium ion batteries are on-board to provide data retention in the event of a power loss. Status LED lights are software programmable and battery status registers in the CSR can be enabled to monitor battery voltages. The battery circuitry and failover have been refined over twenty-five years of product development to ensure the utmost in data retention and availability. Because the MM-5415CN resides on the PCI bus, I/O transfers to memory are only limited by bus speeds instead of a cable interlink which usually has significant latency. The card’s non-volatility features also enable data to be retrieved after a power failure or system reset. Because the card utilizes solid state memory, there is no head seek time as experienced with rotating storage media. This, combined with the card’s data retention capabilities, make the MM-5415CN the ideal solution for journaling and caching.

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